
[Translate] Wingeythingies var flashvars1 ={ autoplay:"false", flashId:"1", FKey:"", GalleryPath:"http://www.tomarma.com/wp-content/plugins/oqey-gallery", GalleryID:"20-1547", FirstRun:"1" }; var params1 = {bgcolor:"#FFFFFF", allowFullScreen:"true", wMode:"transparent"}; var attributes1 = {id: "oqeygallery1"}; swfobject.embedSWF("http://www.tomarma.com/wp-content/oqey_gallery/skins/oqeymainsk/oqeymainsk.swf", "flash_gal_1", "660", "660",... Read More

Feeder Frenzy!

[Translate] Motion activated Critter Cam captures a number of beautiful Arizona hummingbirds. I’ve been feeding hummingbirds since I moved from New York about eight years ago. I’ve always been charmed by these seemingly delicate creatures (They are actually quite aggressive!) ,but little did I know that I would be attracting an interesting nighttime visitor to the feeder as well. Back in New York there was only one seasonal hummingbird... Read More

What a hoot!

[Translate]   As I have said in a previous post, it has been super hot here in the Sonoran Desert. Yesterday, in the foothills of the Tumacacori Mountains, it was a blistering 110F ! I was planning another session with my “batcam” rig at the hummingbird feeders, but technical difficulties presented themselves (I tripped over a power cord and knocked the whole thing down.), so I opted to set up one of my Bushnell Trophy cams... Read More