Tom Arma\'s Crittercam and blog with baby photographer Tom Arma and babies dressed as animals

Hummer nest!

Two baby Anna's hummingbirds in their next

Two Anna's hummingbirds nest in a potted palm on the veranda.

How small is a hummingbird nest? Pretty durn small! I found these two Anna’s hummingbird fledglings in a potted palm on the veranda. To give you some idea of the size of the nest, I would say it is no larger than a twenty-five cent piece, but certainly smaller than a half dollar. This one was made of bark chips and leaf debris with a soft lining of spider webs and plant down on the inside. Cozy!

So you can imagine how tiny these creatures are. It is no wonder why I missed them until the female unsuccessfully stopped me from getting any closer to the plant, and I got curious. (Repeated air raids!) Aggressive little creatures! It always amazes me when I stumble on a nest that has been right under my nose. Cool You Tube here.

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